Bas EICKHOUT 2020-12-09 Bas EICKHOUT2021-02-11
2020-12-09 Bas EICKHOUT
- GroenLinks Netherlands 2024/07/16 -
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- GroenLinks Netherlands 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15
- GroenLinks Netherlands 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
- GroenLinks Netherlands 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
- Verts/ALE Co-Chair Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2024/07/16 -
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- Verts/ALE Member Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2009/07/14 - 2012/11/20
- Verts/ALE Treasurer Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2012/11/21 - 2014/06/30
- Verts/ALE Treasurer Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
- Verts/ALE Vice-Chair Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15
EP staff
- Member of Conference of Presidents 2024/07/16 -
Role | Committee | Start | End |
Substitute of | Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs | 2024/07/19 |
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Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China | 2024/09/19 | |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the United States | 2024/09/19 |
Show earlier delegations...
Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Member of | Delegation for relations with the United States | 2009/09/16 | 2014/06/30 |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China | 2014/07/14 | 2019/07/01 |
Member of | Delegation for relations with the United States | 2014/07/14 | 2019/07/01 |
Member of | Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China | 2019/07/02 | 2024/07/15 |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the United States | 2019/07/02 | 2024/07/15 |
Member of | Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly | 2021/10/18 | 2024/07/15 |
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- Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 06F356
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- City: Bruxelles/Brussel
- Zip: B-1047
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- City: Strasbourg
- Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
- Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
Type | Dossier | Committee | Title |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2024/2054(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European Central Bank – annual report 2024 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2182(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: General Budget of the European Union Agencies |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2172(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2171(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2170(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2169(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2168(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2167(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2166(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2165(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2164(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2163(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2162(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2161(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2160(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2159(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2158(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2157(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2156(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2155(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Labour Authority (ELA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2154(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2153(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2152(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2151(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge : European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2150(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge : European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2149(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2148(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2147(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2146(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2145(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2144(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2143(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2142(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2141(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2140(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2064(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European Central Bank – annual report 2023 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0369(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Amending certain Directives concerning food and food ingredients, outdoor noise, patients’ rights and radio equipment as regards certain reporting requirements |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0356(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community (INSPIRE): certain reporting requirements |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0064(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Specific rules relating to medicinal products for human use intended to be placed on the market of Northern Ireland |
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0062(COD) | ['ENVI', 'AGRI'] | Specific rules relating to the entry into Northern Ireland from other parts of the United Kingdom of certain consignments of retail goods, plants for planting, seed potatoes, machinery and certain vehicles operated for agricultural or forestry purposes, as well as non-commercial movements of certain pet animals into Northern Ireland |
Responsible Committee | 2023/0042(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Strengthening the CO2 emission performance targets for new heavy-duty vehicles |
Joint Responsible Committee | 2022/2594(DEA) | [] | Amending the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act and the Taxonomy Disclosures Delegated Act |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2134(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: General Budget of the European Union Agencies |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2124(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2123(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2122(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2121(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2120(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2119(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2118(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2117(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2116(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2115(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2114(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2113(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2112(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2111(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2110(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2109(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2108(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Labour Authority (ELA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2107(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2106(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2105(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2104(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2103(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2102(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2101(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2100(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2099(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2098(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2097(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2096(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2095(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2094(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2093(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2092(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/2062(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Financial Activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2022 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2022/0365(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7) |
Responsible Committee | 2022/0099(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Fluorinated gases regulation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2157(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2020: performance, financial management and control |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2147(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European GNSS Agency (GSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2146(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2145(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2144(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2143(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2142(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2141(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2140(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2139(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2138(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2137(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2136(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2135(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2134(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2133(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2132(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2131(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2130(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2129(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2128(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2127(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2126(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2125(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2124(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2123(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2122(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2121(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2120(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2119(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2118(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2117(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/2116(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2020 discharge: European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/0432(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Derogation from certain obligations concerning investigational medicinal products made available in the United Kingdom with respect to Northern Ireland as well as in Cyprus, Ireland and Malta |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/0431(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Derogations from certain obligations concerning certain medicinal products for human use made available in the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland, as well as in Cyprus, Ireland and Malta |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/0207(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/0204(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Notification under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/0197(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | CO2 emission standards for cars and vans |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2021/0191(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European green bonds |
Committee Opinion | 2021/0191(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | European green bonds |
Responsible Committee | 2020/2670(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3): Certain uses of chromium trioxide |
Responsible Committee | 2020/2245(INI) | CONT Budgetary Control | Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2019 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2194(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2181(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2180(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2179(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2178(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2177(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2176(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2175(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2174(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2173(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2172(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2171(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2170(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2169(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2168(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European GNSS Agency (GSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2167(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2166(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2165(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2164(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2163(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2162(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2161(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2160(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2159(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2158(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2157(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2156(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2155(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2154(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2153(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2152(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2151(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2150(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2019 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2124(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Financial Activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2020 |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2949(RPS) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission regulation amending Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards lead and its compounds |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2844(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission implementing decision partially granting an authorisation for a use of chromium trioxide under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Cromomed S.A. and others) |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2805(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the European Year of Greener Cities 2022 |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2776(RPS) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 546/2011 as regards the assessment of the impact of plant protection products on honeybees |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2654(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission implementing decision granting an authorisation for certain uses of chromium trioxide under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Lanxess Deutschland GmbH and others) |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2606(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Objection pursuant to Rule 106: Authorisation for certain uses of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A.) |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2605(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Objection pursuant to Rule 106: Authorisation for certain uses of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (DEZA a.s.) |
Responsible Committee | 2019/2127(INI) | CONT Budgetary Control | Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2018 |
Committee Opinion | 2019/2126(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2019 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2098(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2018: performance, financial management and control |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2097(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2096(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2095(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2094(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC Office) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2093(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2092(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2091(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2090(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2089(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2088(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2087(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2086(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2085(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2084(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European GNSS Agency (GSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2083(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2082(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2081(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2080(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2079(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2078(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2077(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2076(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2075(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2074(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: Eurojust, European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2073(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2072(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2071(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2070(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2069(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2068(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2067(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2066(DEC) | CONT Budgetary Control | 2018 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/0101(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Real Driving Emissions (RDE) |
Responsible Committee | 2018/2929(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission implementing decision granting an authorisation for certain uses of sodium dichromate |
Responsible Committee | 2018/2598(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland (COP24) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/2161(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/2119(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2019 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/2002(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Tax treatment of pension products, including the pan-European personal pension product |
Joint Responsible Committee | 2018/0178(COD) | ['ECON', 'ENVI'] | Framework to facilitate sustainable investment |
Former Joint Committee Responsible | 2018/0178(COD) | ['ECON', 'ENVI'] | Framework to facilitate sustainable investment |
Responsible Committee | 2018/0143(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | New heavy-duty vehicles: CO2 emission performance standards |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/0070(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Persistent organic pollutants. Recast |
Committee Opinion | 2018/0012(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships |
Responsible Committee | 2017/2801(RPS) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission regulation amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 by setting out scientific criteria for the determination of endocrine disrupting properties |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/2226(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2018 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/0309(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Union Civil Protection Mechanism: prevention; European Civil Protection Pool; rescEU |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/0143(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Pan-European personal pension product (PEPP) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/0017(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): continuing current limitations of scope for aviation activities and preparing to implement a global market-based measure from 2021 |
Responsible Committee | 2016/2814(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2016 UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakesh, Morocco (COP22) |
Responsible Committee | 2016/2624(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the draft Commission implementing regulation renewing the approval of the active substance glyphosate |
Responsible Committee | 2016/2327(INI) | TRAN Transport and Tourism | European strategy for low-emission mobility |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/2306(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2017 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/2099(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank |
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/2064(INI) | ['BUDG', 'ECON'] | Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments |
Committee Opinion | 2016/0382(COD) | TRAN Transport and Tourism | Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Recast |
Committee Opinion | 2016/0382(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Recast |
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/0276(COD) | ['BUDG', 'ECON'] | European Fund for Strategic Investments: extension of duration; technical enhancements for the Fund and the European Investment Advisory Hub |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/0231(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030 |
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/2344(INI) | ['BUDG', 'ECON'] | Budgetary capacity for the Eurozone |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/2285(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2016 |
Committee Opinion | 2015/2112(INI) | TRAN Transport and Tourism | Towards a new international climate agreement in Paris |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/2005(INI) | TRAN Transport and Tourism | Implementation of the 2011 White Paper on transport: taking stock and the way forward towards sustainable mobility |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/0148(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Enhancing cost-effective emission reductions and low carbon investments; Modernisation Fund |
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/0009(COD) | ['BUDG', 'ECON'] | European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) |
Responsible Committee | 2014/2931(RPS) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Draft Council directive on laying down calculation methods and reporting requirements pursuant to Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels |
Responsible Committee | 2014/2777(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the 2014 UN Climate Change Conference – COP 20 in Lima, Peru (1-12 December 2014) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/2059(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/0346(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Harmonised indices of consumer prices and house price index |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/0268(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/0218(COD) | TRAN Transport and Tourism | Cross-border exchange of information on road safety related traffic offences |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/0096(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Caseins and caseinates intended for human consumption |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/0091(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs). Recast |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/0011(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme: establishment and operation of a market stability reserve |
Responsible Committee | 2013/2666(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the climate change conference in Warsaw, Poland (COP 19) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2175(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Long-term financing of the European economy |
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2135(INI) | ['ENVI', 'ITRE'] | 2030 framework for climate and energy policies |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2079(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Developing and applying carbon capture and storage technology in Europe. Implementation report 2013 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2075(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | EU competition policy. Annual report |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2060(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax havens |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0443(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0377(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: technical implementation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0265(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Interchange fees for card-based payment transactions |
Responsible Committee | 2013/0226(COD) | TRAN Transport and Tourism | Statistics of goods transport by inland waterways; Commission delegated and implementing powers |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0185(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the EU |
Responsible Committee | 2012/2900(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | European carbon market in 2012 |
Responsible Committee | 2012/2838(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on the EU strategic objectives for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), to be held in Bangkok (Thailand) from 3 to 14 March 2013 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2306(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Annual report on competition policy |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2043(INI) | AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development | EU srategy for the protection and welfare of animals 2012-2015 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2040(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Towards an integrated European market for card, internet and mobile payments |
Responsible Committee | 2012/0305(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Fluorinated greenhouse gases |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0288(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Fuels and energy from renewable sources: transition to biofuels to deliver greenhouse gas savings |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0202(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading: timing of auctions |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0042(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Greenhouse gas emissions and removals resulting from activities related to land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF): accounting rules and information on actions |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/2307(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/2274(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Public finances in EMU - 2011 and 2012 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/2194(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Review of the 6th environment action programme and the setting of priorities for the 7th environment action programme |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/2068(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resource-efficient Europe |
Responsible Committee | 2011/2012(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions and assessing the risk of carbon leakage |
Responsible Committee | 2011/0372(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Greenhouse gas emissions, climate change: mechanism for monitoring and reporting |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0288(COD) | AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development | Common agricultural policy (CAP): financing, management and monitoring 2014-2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0286(COD) | AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development | Common agricultural policy (CAP): application of direct payments for farmers in respect of the year 2013 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/0298(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Detergents: use of phosphates and other phosphorous compounds |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2007/0286(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Industrial emissions - Integrated pollution prevention and control. Recast |
Amendment Co-authors
Name | Group | Country | Ams |
Karima DELLI | Verts/ALE | France | 218 |
Philippe LAMBERTS | Verts/ALE | Belgium | 136 |
Claude TURMES | Verts/ALE | Luxembourg | 133 |
Sven GIEGOLD | Verts/ALE | Germany | 130 |
Anna DEPARNAY-GRUNENBERG | Verts/ALE | Germany | 124 |
Martin HÄUSLING | Verts/ALE | Germany | 113 |
Margrete AUKEN | Verts/ALE | Denmark | 109 |
Sabine WILS | GUE/NGL | Germany | 99 |
Ernest MARAGALL | Verts/ALE | Spain | 93 |
Jill EVANS | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 81 |
Jordi SOLÉ | Verts/ALE | Spain | 81 |
José BOVÉ | Verts/ALE | France | 79 |
Dario TAMBURRANO | EFDD | Italy | 72 |
Pascal DURAND | Verts/ALE | France | 72 |
Alyn SMITH | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 71 |
Eleonora EVI | EFDD | Italy | 68 |
Michael CRAMER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 66 |
Marco AFFRONTE | EFDD | Italy | 64 |
Piernicola PEDICINI | EFDD | Italy | 64 |
Satu HASSI | Verts/ALE | Finland | 60 |
Keith TAYLOR | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 57 |
Corinne LEPAGE | ALDE | France | 54 |
Sandrine BÉLIER | Verts/ALE | France | 51 |
Bart STAES | Verts/ALE | Belgium | 50 |
Pavel POC | S&D | Czechia | 50 |
Michèle RIVASI | Verts/ALE | France | 50 |
Marie TOUSSAINT | Verts/ALE | France | 38 |
Merja KYLLÖNEN | GUE/NGL | Finland | 36 |
Eleonora EVI | Verts/ALE | Italy | 35 |
Tilly METZ | Verts/ALE | Luxembourg | 27 |
Ville NIINISTÖ | Verts/ALE | Finland | 25 |
Benedek JÁVOR | Verts/ALE | Hungary | 21 |
Jakop G. DALUNDE | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 20 |
Gerben-Jan GERBRANDY | ALDE | Netherlands | 19 |
Nessa CHILDERS | S&D | Ireland | 19 |
Dan JØRGENSEN | S&D | Denmark | 17 |
Evelyn REGNER | S&D | Austria | 17 |
Emilie TURUNEN | Verts/ALE | Denmark | 16 |
Yannick JADOT | Verts/ALE | France | 16 |
Ernest URTASUN | Verts/ALE | Spain | 16 |
Jo LEINEN | S&D | Germany | 15 |
Judith SARGENTINI | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 15 |
Seb DANCE | S&D | United Kingdom | 15 |
Ulrike LUNACEK | Verts/ALE | Austria | 14 |
Molly SCOTT CATO | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 14 |
Felix REDA | Verts/ALE | Germany | 14 |
Matthias GROOTE | S&D | Germany | 13 |
Marit PAULSEN | ALDE | Sweden | 13 |
Janusz WOJCIECHOWSKI | ECR | Poland | 13 |
Fredrick FEDERLEY | ALDE | Sweden | 13 |
Linda McAVAN | S&D | United Kingdom | 12 |
Elisabeth JEGGLE | PPE | Germany | 12 |
Patrick LE HYARIC | GUE/NGL | France | 12 |
Marietje SCHAAKE | ALDE | Netherlands | 12 |
Bodil VALERO | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 12 |
Max ANDERSSON | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 12 |
Reinhard BÜTIKOFER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 11 |
Liam AYLWARD | ALDE | Ireland | 11 |
Monika VANA | Verts/ALE | Austria | 11 |
Igor ŠOLTES | Verts/ALE | Slovenia | 11 |
Eva JOLY | Verts/ALE | France | 10 |
Kriton ARSENIS | S&D | Greece | 10 |
Daciana Octavia SÂRBU | S&D | Romania | 10 |
Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA | ALDE | Spain | 10 |
Brando BENIFEI | S&D | Italy | 10 |
Matt CARTHY | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 10 |
Luke Ming FLANAGAN | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 10 |
Kostadinka KUNEVA | GUE/NGL | Greece | 10 |
Daniel DALTON | ECR | United Kingdom | 10 |
David BORRELLI | EFDD | Italy | 10 |
Heidi HAUTALA | Verts/ALE | Finland | 10 |
Yves COCHET | Verts/ALE | France | 9 |
Vittorio PRODI | S&D | Italy | 9 |
Carl SCHLYTER | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 9 |
Catherine BEARDER | ALDE | United Kingdom | 9 |
Ismail ERTUG | S&D | Germany | 9 |
Isabella ADINOLFI | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS | ALDE | Lithuania | 9 |
Klaus BUCHNER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 9 |
Fabio DE MASI | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Stefan ECK | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Cornelia ERNST | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Laura FERRARA | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Thomas HÄNDEL | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Kaja KALLAS | ALDE | Estonia | 9 |
Ska KELLER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 9 |
Marju LAURISTIN | S&D | Estonia | 9 |
Sabine LÖSING | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Jiří MAŠTÁLKA | GUE/NGL | Czechia | 9 |
Martina MICHELS | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Jozo RADOŠ | ALDE | Croatia | 9 |
Michel REIMON | Verts/ALE | Austria | 9 |
Helmut SCHOLZ | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Davor ŠKRLEC | Verts/ALE | Croatia | 9 |
Indrek TARAND | Verts/ALE | Estonia | 9 |
Sophia IN 'T VELD | ALDE | Netherlands | 9 |
Josef WEIDENHOLZER | S&D | Austria | 9 |
Gabriele ZIMMER | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Laura AGEA | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Rosa D'AMATO | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Marco VALLI | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Matthijs van MILTENBURG | ALDE | Netherlands | 9 |
Florent MARCELLESI | Verts/ALE | Spain | 9 |
Kathleen VAN BREMPT | S&D | Belgium | 8 |
Nicola CAPUTO | S&D | Italy | 8 |
José BLANCO LÓPEZ | S&D | Spain | 8 |
Christel SCHALDEMOSE | S&D | Denmark | 8 |
Gilles PARGNEAUX | S&D | France | 8 |
Dita CHARANZOVÁ | ALDE | Czechia | 8 |
Terry REINTKE | Verts/ALE | Germany | 8 |
Catherine STIHLER | S&D | United Kingdom | 8 |
Jana TOOM | ALDE | Estonia | 8 |
Paul TANG | S&D | Netherlands | 8 |
Marisa MATIAS | GUE/NGL | Portugal | 7 |
Peter LIESE | PPE | Germany | 7 |
Bill NEWTON DUNN | ALDE | United Kingdom | 7 |
Elena GENTILE | S&D | Italy | 7 |
Massimo PAOLUCCI | S&D | Italy | 7 |
Eero HEINÄLUOMA | S&D | Finland | 7 |
Niels FUGLSANG | S&D | Denmark | 7 |
Jutta HAUG | S&D | Germany | 6 |
Britta REIMERS | ALDE | Germany | 6 |
George LYON | ALDE | United Kingdom | 6 |
Pina PICIERNO | S&D | Italy | 6 |
Jan Philipp ALBRECHT | Verts/ALE | Germany | 6 |
Dennis de JONG | GUE/NGL | Netherlands | 6 |
Damiano ZOFFOLI | S&D | Italy | 6 |
Tibor SZANYI | S&D | Hungary | 6 |
Younous OMARJEE | GUE/NGL | France | 6 |
Christine REVAULT D'ALLONNES BONNEFOY | S&D | France | 6 |
Victor NEGRESCU | S&D | Romania | 6 |
Joachim SCHUSTER | S&D | Germany | 6 |
Jutta PAULUS | Verts/ALE | Germany | 6 |
Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN | PPE | Finland | 5 |
Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT | PPE | Sweden | 5 |
Miriam DALLI | S&D | Malta | 5 |
Jeroen LENAERS | PPE | Netherlands | 5 |
Romana TOMC | PPE | Slovenia | 5 |
Luigi MORGANO | S&D | Italy | 5 |
Lynn BOYLAN | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 5 |
Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ | PPE | Czechia | 5 |
Anneleen VAN BOSSUYT | ECR | Belgium | 5 |
Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ | PPE | Czechia | 5 |
Georges BACH | PPE | Luxembourg | 5 |
Lucy ANDERSON | S&D | United Kingdom | 5 |
Neoklis SYLIKIOTIS | GUE/NGL | Cyprus | 5 |
Carlos ZORRINHO | S&D | Portugal | 5 |
Theresa GRIFFIN | S&D | United Kingdom | 5 |
Nikos ANDROULAKIS | S&D | Greece | 5 |
Manon AUBRY | GUE/NGL | France | 5 |
Mounir SATOURI | Verts/ALE | France | 5 |
Nora MEBAREK | S&D | France | 5 |
Judith A. MERKIES | S&D | Netherlands | 4 |
Vladko Todorov PANAYOTOV | ALDE | Bulgaria | 4 |
Bairbre de BRÚN | GUE/NGL | United Kingdom | 4 |
Elly SCHLEIN | S&D | Italy | 4 |
Jeppe KOFOD | S&D | Denmark | 4 |
Jens GEIER | S&D | Germany | 4 |
Jan ZAHRADIL | ECR | Czechia | 4 |
Nils TORVALDS | ALDE | Finland | 4 |
Frédérique RIES | ALDE | Belgium | 4 |
Jytte GUTELAND | S&D | Sweden | 4 |
José Inácio FARIA | ALDE | Portugal | 4 |
Nicola DANTI | S&D | Italy | 4 |
Maria ARENA | S&D | Belgium | 4 |
José GUSMÃO | GUE/NGL | Portugal | 4 |
Gwendoline DELBOS-CORFIELD | Verts/ALE | France | 4 |
Francisco GUERREIRO | Verts/ALE | Portugal | 4 |
Marc BOTENGA | GUE/NGL | Belgium | 4 |
Claude GRUFFAT | Verts/ALE | France | 4 |
Kim VAN SPARRENTAK | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 4 |
Anne-Sophie PELLETIER | GUE/NGL | France | 4 |
Idoia VILLANUEVA RUIZ | GUE/NGL | Spain | 4 |
Caroline ROOSE | Verts/ALE | France | 4 |
David CORMAND | Verts/ALE | France | 4 |
Tineke STRIK | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 4 |
Karin KADENBACH | S&D | Austria | 3 |
Sylvie GOULARD | ALDE | France | 3 |
Ivan ŠTEFANEC | PPE | Slovakia | 3 |
Anneli JÄÄTTEENMÄKI | ALDE | Finland | 3 |
Helga STEVENS | ECR | Belgium | 3 |
Lara COMI | PPE | Italy | 3 |
Morten MESSERSCHMIDT | ECR | Denmark | 3 |
Ashley FOX | ECR | United Kingdom | 3 |
Richard SULÍK | ECR | Slovakia | 3 |
Ivo BELET | PPE | Belgium | 3 |
Pascal ARIMONT | PPE | Belgium | 3 |
Salvatore Domenico POGLIESE | PPE | Italy | 3 |
Soledad CABEZÓN RUIZ | S&D | Spain | 3 |
Susanne MELIOR | S&D | Germany | 3 |
Renata BRIANO | S&D | Italy | 3 |
Evelyne GEBHARDT | S&D | Germany | 3 |
Olga SEHNALOVÁ | S&D | Czechia | 3 |
Flavio ZANONATO | S&D | Italy | 3 |
Gilles BOYER | RE | France | 3 |
Stéphanie YON-COURTIN | RE | France | 3 |
Marita ULVSKOG | S&D | Sweden | 2 |
Anja HAZEKAMP | GUE/NGL | Netherlands | 2 |
Cora van NIEUWENHUIZEN | ALDE | Netherlands | 2 |
Anneliese DODDS | S&D | United Kingdom | 2 |
Julie GIRLING | PPE | United Kingdom | 2 |
Afzal KHAN | S&D | United Kingdom | 2 |
Giovanni LA VIA | PPE | Italy | 2 |
Helga TRÜPEL | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
Marije CORNELISSEN | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 1 |
Julie GIRLING | ECR | United Kingdom | 1 |
Rovana PLUMB | S&D | Romania | 1 |
Rebecca HARMS | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
John HOWARTH | S&D | United Kingdom | 1 |
Miapetra KUMPULA-NATRI | S&D | Finland | 1 |
Ivo VAJGL | ALDE | Slovenia | 1 |
Olle LUDVIGSSON | S&D | Sweden | 1 |
Anna HEDH | S&D | Sweden | 1 |
Martina ANDERSON | GUE/NGL | United Kingdom | 1 |
Daniele VIOTTI | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Peter van DALEN | ECR | Netherlands | 1 |
Philippe DE BACKER | ALDE | Belgium | 1 |
Morten PETERSEN | ALDE | Denmark | 1 |
Gérard DEPREZ | ALDE | Belgium | 1 |
Josu JUARISTI ABAUNZ | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Kateřina KONEČNÁ | GUE/NGL | Czechia | 1 |
Josep-Maria TERRICABRAS | Verts/ALE | Spain | 1 |
Liadh NÍ RIADA | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 1 |
Estefanía TORRES MARTÍNEZ | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Xabier BENITO ZILUAGA | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Miguel URBÁN CRESPO | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Tania GONZÁLEZ PEÑAS | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Ruža TOMAŠIĆ | ECR | Croatia | 1 |
Diane DODDS | NA | United Kingdom | 1 |
Remo SERNAGIOTTO | ECR | Italy | 1 |
Richard ASHWORTH | ECR | United Kingdom | 1 |
Alessia Maria MOSCA | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Marina ALBIOL GUZMÁN | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Fabio Massimo CASTALDO | EFDD | Italy | 1 |
Angelika MLINAR | ALDE | Austria | 1 |
Simona BONAFÈ | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Claudia SCHMIDT | PPE | Austria | 1 |
Deirdre CLUNE | PPE | Ireland | 1 |
Martina WERNER | S&D | Germany | 1 |
María Soraya RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS | RE | Spain | 1 |
Christophe CLERGEAU | S&D | France | 1 |
Arash SAEIDI | GUE/NGL | France | 1 |
Virginijus SINKEVIČIUS | Verts/ALE | Lithuania | 1 |
Jonas SJÖSTEDT | GUE/NGL | Sweden | 1 |
Emma FOURREAU | GUE/NGL | France | 1 |
César LUENA | S&D | Spain | 1 |
Mélissa CAMARA | Verts/ALE | France | 1 |
Marc ANGEL | S&D | Luxembourg | 1 |
Marina MESURE | GUE/NGL | France | 1 |
Rima HASSAN | GUE/NGL | France | 1 |
Javi LÓPEZ | S&D | Spain | 1 |
Matjaž NEMEC | S&D | Slovenia | 1 |
Damien CARÊME | GUE/NGL | France | 1 |
Marit MAIJ | S&D | Netherlands | 1 |
Annalisa CORRADO | S&D | Italy | 1 |
André RODRIGUES | S&D | Portugal | 1 |
Sara MATTHIEU | Verts/ALE | Belgium | 1 |
Lena SCHILLING | Verts/ALE | Austria | 1 |
Kai TEGETHOFF | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
Krzysztof ŚMISZEK | S&D | Poland | 1 |
Majdouline SBAI | Verts/ALE | France | 1 |
Anthony SMITH | GUE/NGL | France | 1 |
Catarina MARTINS | GUE/NGL | Portugal | 1 |
Sebastian EVERDING | GUE/NGL | Germany | 1 |
Chloé RIDEL | S&D | France | 1 |
Elisabetta GUALMINI | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Anna CAVAZZINI | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
Daniel FREUND | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
Rudi KENNES | GUE/NGL | Belgium | 1 |
Pär HOLMGREN | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 1 |
Alice KUHNKE | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 1 |
Isabella LÖVIN | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 1 |
Maria NOICHL | S&D | Germany | 1 |
Gordan BOSANAC | Verts/ALE | Croatia | 1 |
Maria OHISALO | Verts/ALE | Finland | 1 |
Estelle CEULEMANS | S&D | Belgium | 1 |
Aurore LALUCQ | S&D | France | 1 |
Emma RAFOWICZ | S&D | France | 1 |
Vlad VASILE-VOICULESCU | RE | Romania | 1 |
Leire PAJÍN | S&D | Spain | 1 |
Günther SIDL | S&D | Austria | 1 |
Murielle LAURENT | S&D | France | 1 |
Cecilia STRADA | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Hannah NEUMANN | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
Eric SARGIACOMO | S&D | France | 1 |
Katarina BARLEY | S&D | Germany | 1 |
Nicolae ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ | Verts/ALE | Romania | 1 |
Alessandro ZAN | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Mohammed CHAHIM | S&D | Netherlands | 1 |
Thomas PELLERIN-CARLIN | S&D | France | 1 |
Camilla LAURETI | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Marco TARQUINIO | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Cristina GUARDA | Verts/ALE | Italy | 1 |
Romana JERKOVIĆ | S&D | Croatia | 1 |
Stine BOSSE | RE | Denmark | 1 |
Saskia BRICMONT | Verts/ALE | Belgium | 1 |
Erik MARQUARDT | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
Elisabeth GROSSMANN | S&D | Austria | 1 |
Rasmus NORDQVIST | Verts/ALE | Denmark | 1 |
By types
Amendments (4693)Plenary speeches (4)
Written explanations (1)
Written questions (1)
By dossiers
Count | Dossier Reference | Title |
366 | 2018/0216(COD) | Support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP strategic plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) 2021–2027 |
137 | 2021/0426(COD) | Energy performance of buildings |
124 | 2023/0266(COD) | |
120 | 2022/0365(COD) | Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7) |
118 | 2016/0014(COD) | Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles |
110 | 2017/0143(COD) | Pan-European personal pension product (PEPP) |
109 | 2021/0197(COD) | CO2 emission standards for cars and vans |
94 | 2023/0081(COD) | Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act) |
86 | 2011/0288(COD) | Common agricultural policy (CAP): financing, management and monitoring 2014-2020 |
80 | 2018/0229(COD) | InvestEU programme 2021–2027 |
75 | 2016/0276(COD) | European Fund for Strategic Investments: extension of duration; technical enhancements for the Fund and the European Investment Advisory Hub |
74 | 2017/0293(COD) | Emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles. Recast |
73 | 2012/0288(COD) | Fuels and energy from renewable sources: transition to biofuels to deliver greenhouse gas savings |
72 | 2013/2135(INI) | 2030 framework for climate and energy policies |
70 | 2021/0191(COD) | European green bonds |
66 | 2011/0386(COD) | Economic governance: common provisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans and ensuring the correction of excessive deficit in the euro area. 'Two pack' |
64 | 2013/0443(COD) | Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants |
64 | 2015/2005(INI) | Implementation of the 2011 White Paper on transport: taking stock and the way forward towards sustainable mobility |
64 | 2020/0104(COD) | Recovery and Resilience Facility |
62 | 2021/2146(DEC) | 2020 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) |
61 | 2011/0385(COD) | Economic governance: strengthening of economic and budgetary surveillance of Member States experiencing or threatened with serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability in the euro area. 'Two pack' |
58 | 2011/2051(INI) | CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future |
53 | 2016/0231(COD) | Binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030 |
51 | 2015/0009(COD) | European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) |
50 | 2016/2306(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2017 |
48 | 2011/0195(COD) | Common fisheries policy (CFP) |
46 | 2023/2064(INI) | European Central Bank – annual report 2023 |
45 | 2011/0309(COD) | Safety of offshore oil and gas operations |
45 | 2015/2344(INI) | Budgetary capacity for the Eurozone |
45 | 2015/0148(COD) | Enhancing cost-effective emission reductions and low carbon investments; Modernisation Fund |
45 | 2021/0207(COD) | Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation |
41 | 2011/2095(INI) | Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050 |
38 | 2017/0123(COD) | Pursuing the occupation of road transport operator and access to the international road haulage market |
37 | 2018/2974(RSP) | |
37 | 2016/2327(INI) | European strategy for low-emission mobility |
36 | 2020/2124(INI) | Financial Activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2020 |
34 | 2011/2307(INI) | Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 |
34 | 2015/2285(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2016 |
34 | 2014/0091(COD) | Activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs). Recast |
34 | 2014/0268(COD) | Emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery |
34 | 2024/2054(INI) | European Central Bank – annual report 2024 |
32 | 2017/2226(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2018 |
31 | 2012/2043(INI) | EU srategy for the protection and welfare of animals 2012-2015 |
31 | 2007/0286(COD) | Industrial emissions - Integrated pollution prevention and control. Recast |
31 | 2016/2064(INI) | Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments |
31 | 2022/2062(INI) | Financial Activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2022 |
30 | 2017/0121(COD) | Posting drivers in the road transport sector |
29 | 2018/2119(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2019 |
29 | 2014/2059(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities |
28 | 2013/2175(INI) | Long-term financing of the European economy |
28 | 2013/0000(INI) | |
28 | 2011/2274(INI) | Public finances in EMU - 2011 and 2012 |
28 | 2010/2106(INI) | Commission Green Paper "On forest protection and information in the EU: preparing forests for climate change" |
28 | 2016/2099(INI) | Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank |
28 | 2014/0346(COD) | Harmonised indices of consumer prices and house price index |
26 | 2018/2161(INI) | Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank |
25 | 2018/2598(RSP) | Resolution on the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland (COP24) |
25 | 2021/0422(COD) | Protection of the environment through criminal law |
24 | 2011/2068(INI) | Resource-efficient Europe |
24 | 2017/2052(INI) | Next MFF: preparing the Parliament’s position on the MFF post-2020 |
24 | 2017/0122(COD) | Minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods; positioning by means of tachographs |
23 | 2022/0210(COD) | European environmental economic accounts: new modules |
22 | 2012/2040(INI) | Towards an integrated European market for card, internet and mobile payments |
22 | 2011/2194(INI) | Review of the 6th environment action programme and the setting of priorities for the 7th environment action programme |
22 | 2022/0099(COD) | Fluorinated gases regulation |
21 | 2013/2079(INI) | Developing and applying carbon capture and storage technology in Europe. Implementation report 2013 |
21 | 2012/0042(COD) | Greenhouse gas emissions and removals resulting from activities related to land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF): accounting rules and information on actions |
21 | 2011/2012(INI) | Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions and assessing the risk of carbon leakage |
21 | 2011/0282(COD) | European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD): support for rural development 2014-2020 |
21 | 2019/0101(COD) | Real Driving Emissions (RDE) |
21 | 2019/2098(DEC) | Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2018: performance, financial management and control |
21 | 2018/0213(COD) | Reform support programme 2021–2027 |
20 | 2011/2108(INI) | Honeybee health and the challenges for the beekeeping sector |
20 | 2018/0166R(APP) | Interim report on MFF 2021-2027 – Parliament’s position in view of an agreement |
20 | 2020/2194(DEC) | Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control |
19 | 2013/0185(COD) | Rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the EU |
19 | 2016/2908(RSP) | Recommendation following the inquiry into emission measurements in the automotive sector |
18 | 2013/0265(COD) | Interchange fees for card-based payment transactions |
18 | 2009/2152(INI) | Report on the Commission White Paper: 'Adapting to climate change: towards a European framework for action' |
18 | 2020/0106(COD) | Solvency Support Instrument |
18 | 2020/2174(DEC) | 2019 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
17 | 2013/2075(INI) | EU competition policy. Annual report |
17 | 2009/2236(INI) | Future of the CAP after 2013 |
17 | 2018/0178(COD) | Framework to facilitate sustainable investment |
17 | 2017/0111(COD) | New heavy-duty vehicles: monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption |
16 | 2017/2053(INI) | Reform of the European Union’s system of own resources |
16 | 2014/2150(INI) | Regulatory fitness and performance programme (REFIT): state of play and outlook |
16 | 2016/2215(INI) | Inquiry into emission measurements in the automotive sector |
16 | 2021/0277(BUD) | |
16 | 2021/2122(DEC) | 2020 discharge: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) |
15 | 2011/0092(CNS) | Taxation of energy products and electricity: restructuring the Community framework |
14 | 2013/2006(INI) | Reindustrialising Europe to promote competitiveness and sustainability |
14 | 2011/0194(COD) | Common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products |
14 | 2011/0172(COD) | Energy efficiency |
14 | 2014/0011(COD) | Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme: establishment and operation of a market stability reserve |
13 | 2012/0202(COD) | Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading: timing of auctions |
13 | 2009/0106(CNS) | Energy infrastructure: investment projects |
13 | 2017/2044(BUD) | 2018 general budget: all sections |
13 | 2016/0382(COD) | Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Recast |
13 | 2019/2213(BUD) | Guidelines for the 2021 budget - Section III |
13 | 2021/0000(INI) | |
12 | 2017/0017(COD) | EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): continuing current limitations of scope for aviation activities and preparing to implement a global market-based measure from 2021 |
12 | 2014/2228(INI) | Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) |
12 | 2022/0212(BUD) | 2023 general budget: all sections |
12 | 2023/2129(DEC) | 2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission |
11 | 2010/2107(INI) | Revision of the energy efficiency action plan |
10 | 2010/0195(COD) | Air quality: provisions for engines placed on the market under the flexibility scheme |
10 | 2009/2153(INI) | Report on the Commission Green Paper on the management of bio-waste in the European Union |
10 | 2016/0404(COD) | Proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions |
10 | 2014/2153(INI) | European energy security strategy |
10 | 2020/2170(DEC) | 2019 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
9 | 2011/2056(INI) | Effective raw materials strategy for Europe |
9 | 2015/2233(INI) | Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) |
9 | 2016/0280(COD) | Copyright in the digital single market |
9 | 2022/2006(INI) | European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2022 |
8 | 2012/2103(INI) | Energy roadmap 2050, a future with energy |
8 | 2011/0177(APP) | Multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020 |
8 | 2018/2002(INL) | Tax treatment of pension products, including the pan-European personal pension product |
8 | 2016/2062(INI) | Aviation strategy for Europe |
8 | 2015/2353(INI) | Preparation of the post-electoral revision of the MFF 2014-2020: Parliament's input ahead of the Commission's proposal |
8 | 2020/2167(DEC) | 2019 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) |
8 | 2021/0218(COD) | Renewable Energy Directive |
8 | 2022/0051(COD) | Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence |
7 | 2018/2190(DEC) | 2017 discharge: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
7 | 2015/2283(INI) | Annual report 2014 on subsidiarity and proportionality |
7 | 2019/2073(DEC) | 2018 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
7 | 2023/0264(BUD) | 2024 general budget: all sections |
7 | 2023/2151(DEC) | 2022 discharge : European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
7 | 2023/2156(DEC) | 2022 discharge: European Medicines Agency (EMA) |
7 | 2023/0368(COD) | Company law: time limits for the adoption of sustainability reporting standards for certain sectors and for certain third-country undertakings |
6 | 2013/2104(INI) | Regional policy as a part of wider State support schemes |
6 | 2010/2103(INI) | International trade policy in the context of climate change imperatives |
6 | 2009/2228(INI) | Mobilising information and communication technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy |
6 | 2017/0114(COD) | Charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures |
6 | 2019/2211(INI) | European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020 |
6 | 2019/2083(DEC) | 2018 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) |
6 | 2020/2021(INI) | Towards a more sustainable single market for business and consumers |
6 | 2020/2180(DEC) | 2019 discharge: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) |
6 | 2020/2245(INI) | Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2019 |
6 | 2021/2124(DEC) | 2020 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
6 | 2022/2098(DEC) | 2021 discharge: European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) |
5 | 2011/2186(INI) | European Investment Bank (EIB) - Annual Report 2010 |
5 | 2011/0144(COD) | Fish stock conservation: multiannual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean |
5 | 2011/2034(INI) | Energy infrastructure priorities for 2020 and beyond |
5 | 2009/2105(INI) | Agricultural product quality policy: what strategy to follow? |
5 | 2017/0035(COD) | Mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers: implementing acts at appeal committee level |
5 | 2018/0231(COD) | Programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, and European statistics 2021–2027 |
5 | 2018/0143(COD) | New heavy-duty vehicles: CO2 emission performance standards |
5 | 2018/0012(COD) | Port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships |
5 | 2015/2040(INI) | Procedures and practices regarding commissioner hearings, lessons to be taken from the 2014 process |
5 | 2019/2090(DEC) | 2018 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
5 | 2023/2148(DEC) | 2022 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
5 | 2023/2147(DEC) | 2022 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
4 | 2013/2131(INI) | European Investment Bank (EIB) - Annual report 2012 |
4 | 2011/2020(BUD) | 2012 budget: all sections |
4 | 2010/0298(COD) | Detergents: use of phosphates and other phosphorous compounds |
4 | 2010/0301(COD) | Air quality: provisions for tractors placed on the market under the flexibility scheme |
4 | 2012/0337(COD) | General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020: 'Living well, within the limits of our planet'. 7th Environment Action Programme |
4 | 2010/2054(INI) | Role of women in agriculture and rural areas |
4 | 2018/0065(COD) | Two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles: application of the Euro 5 step to the type-approval |
4 | 2016/2018(INI) | Interpretation and implementation of the interinstitutional agreement on better law-making |
4 | 2015/2112(INI) | Towards a new international climate agreement in Paris |
4 | 2015/2095(INI) | Situation in the Mediterranean and need for a holistic EU approach to migration |
4 | 2023/0077(COD) | Union’s electricity market design |
3 | 2012/0305(COD) | Fluorinated greenhouse gases |
3 | 2009/2108(INI) | Report on the implementation of EU legislation aiming at the conservation of biodiversity |
3 | 2012/2031(INI) | Protection of animals during transport |
3 | 2015/2190(DEC) | 2014 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
3 | 2019/2028(BUD) | 2020 general budget: all sections |
3 | 2019/2092(DEC) | 2018 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
3 | 2022/2100(DEC) | 2021 discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
3 | 2023/2164(DEC) | 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) |
2 | 2013/0377(COD) | Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: technical implementation |
2 | 2010/2245(INI) | Innovation Union: transforming Europe for a post-crisis world |
2 | 2009/2002(BUD) | 2010 budget: section III, Commission |
2 | 2016/0364(COD) | Capital Requirements Directive: exempted entities, financial holding companies, mixed financial holding companies, remuneration, supervisory measures and powers and capital conservation measures |
2 | 2015/2188(DEC) | 2014 discharge: European Banking Authority (EBA) |
2 | 2015/2189(DEC) | 2014 discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) |
2 | 2017/0290(COD) | Combined transport of goods between Member States |
2 | 2017/2159(DEC) | 2016 discharge: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) |
2 | 2017/0115(CNS) | Charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures: vehicle taxation |
2 | 2014/2248(INI) | Possible evolutions and adjustments of the current institutional set up of the European Union |
2 | 2019/2086(DEC) | 2018 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) |
2 | 2021/2138(DEC) | 2020 discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
2 | 2023/2149(DEC) | 2022 discharge: European Environment Agency (EEA) |
1 | 2012/2228(BUD) | Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the wind turbine manufacturing industry in Denmark |
1 | 2013/0344(COD) | Scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community: implementation by 2020 of an international agreement applying a single global market-based measure to international aviation emissions |
1 | 2011/2071(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination |
1 | 2008/0142(COD) | Patients' rights in cross-border healthcare |
1 | 2008/0028(COD) | Food information to consumers |
1 | 2016/2047(BUD) | 2017 general budget: all sections |
1 | 2016/2019(BUD) | 2017 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure, Section I – Parliament |
1 | 2015/2155(DEC) | 2014 discharge: EU general budget, European Parliament |
1 | 2016/0360A(COD) | Capital Requirements Regulation: leverage ratio, net stable funding ratio, requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities, counterparty credit risk, market risk, exposures to central counterparties, exposures to collective investment undertakings, large exposures, reporting and disclosure requirements |
1 | 2016/0275(COD) | EU guarantee to the European Investment Bank (EIB) against losses under financing operations supporting investment projects outside the Union: ceilings for EIB financing operations |
1 | 2016/0261(COD) | New psychoactive substances: information exchange, early warning system and risk assessment procedure |
1 | 2015/2322(INI) | Towards a new energy market design |
1 | 2015/0277(COD) | Common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency |
1 | 2019/2089(DEC) | 2018 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
1 | 2020/2071(INI) | Shortage of medicines - how to address an emerging problem |
1 | 2021/0204(COD) | Notification under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) |
1 | 2023/0369(COD) | Amending certain Directives concerning food and food ingredients, outdoor noise, patients’ rights and radio equipment as regards certain reporting requirements |
1 | 2024/2019(DEC) | 2023 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission |
See historical changes of the Bio
1976/10/08 - GroesbeekBas EICKHOUT on
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
2025-01-19Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/24 |
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2025-01-19T00:00:00 |
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2024-11-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/15 |
2024-10-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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Eric Johan Valter SIHVOLA
2024-10-24Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2024-10-14Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
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X |
2024-09-20Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
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2024-09-04Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
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Declaration on awareness of conflicts of interest/0 |
Declaration on awareness of conflicts of interest/1 |
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Declaration on awareness of conflicts of interest/3 |
2024-09-02Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
Noor Kathelijne Anissa Maria ASSA
2024-08-15Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping) |
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
2024-07-22Show (14) Changes | Timetravel
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06F356 |
Committees/24 |
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Declaration of private interests/0 |
Declaration of private interests/0 |
Declaration on appropriate behaviour/0 |
Declaration on appropriate behaviour/0 |
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Staff |
active |
True |
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assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
assistants/service providers |
2024-07-14Show (9) Changes | Timetravel
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
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2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
active |
2024-07-12Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Building |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Office |
T06087 |
2024-07-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/0 |
2024-07-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2024-06-19Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2024-06-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Maarten Anton Johannes KAVELAARS
2024-05-17Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
Lisa Farai DE SMET
2024-05-10Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
Aryaan Annabelle BOVENBERG
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
2024-04-26Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/3 |
2024-01-10Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-12-13Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-12-10T00:00:00 |
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Committees/23 |
Declaration on awareness of conflicts of interest |
2023-10-25Show (8) Changes | Timetravel
Declaration on appropriate behaviour/0 |
Declaration on appropriate behaviour/0 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/0 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/0 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/1 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/1 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/2 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/2 |
2023-09-08Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/22/end |
2023-07-18T00:00:00 |
2023-08-29Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/9 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/12 |
Wander Jeroen Joost WAALS
2023-08-11Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
2023-07-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
2023-06-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-06-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-03-31Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-03-26Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-03-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
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2023-01-13Show (7) Changes | Timetravel
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Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
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Birth/place |
Mail/0 |
Mail/0 |
2022-11-22Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
Myrthe Susanne Johanna Maria BOVENDEAARD
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/8 |
2022-11-19Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/0 |
2022-11-09Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
2022-10-28Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
2022-10-08Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Maarten Anton Johannes KAVELAARS
2022-10-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Maarten Anton Johannes KAVELAARS
2022-09-16Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Declaration on appropriate behaviour |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/9 |
Julia Sophie VERHEUL
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/10 |
2022-07-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
Margrietha Johanna KRIJGER
2022-06-13Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
0032 2 28 49365New
003222849365 |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
0032 2 28 45365New
003222845365 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
0033 3 88 1 79365New
0033388179365 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
0033 3 88 1 75365New
0033388175365 |
2022-04-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/1 |
Wilhelmina Maria Tafadzwa VAN LEEUWEN
2022-03-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/22 |
2022-03-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/1 |
Wilhelmina Maria Tafadzwa VAN LEEUWEN
2022-02-13Show (11) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/15/end |
2022-01-19T00:00:00 |
Committees/16/end |
2022-01-19T00:00:00 |
Committees/17/end |
2022-01-19T00:00:00 |
Committees/19 |
Committees/20 |
Committees/21 |
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance/0 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
Lisa Farai DE SMET
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
Margrietha Johanna KRIJGER
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
2021-11-06Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Maarten Anton Johannes KAVELAARS
2021-10-21Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Delegations/5 |
2021-07-20Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Voluntary confirmation on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance |
2021-07-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/service providers |
2021-06-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2021-05-18Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/service providers |
2021-03-06Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Wilhelmina Maria Tafadzwa VAN LEEUWEN
2021-03-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Mirjam TIEMS
2021-03-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/8 |
2021-02-18Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
2021-02-13Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/18/end |
2021-02-10T00:00:00 |
2021-02-11Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Name/family |
Name/full |
Name/sur |
Bas |
2020-12-11Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Name/aliases/0 |
Name/aliases/1 |
Name/aliases/2 |
2020-12-09Show (9) Changes | Timetravel
Name/aliases/0 |
Name/aliases/1 |
Name/aliases/2 |
Name/family |
Name/full |
Name/sur |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/9 |
2020-11-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/18 |
2020-11-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
Reinhard Cornelis DEN TOOM
2020-09-02Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/10 |
Meike Maria Euphemia VEDDER
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/1 |
Meike Maria Euphemia VEDDER
2020-09-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
Simona Wilhelmina Ida DE HEER
2020-04-22Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal |
Addresses/Postal address |
2020-03-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Birth/place |
2020-01-09Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/9 |
Meike Maria Euphemia VEDDER
2020-01-08Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal |
Addresses/Postal address |
Addresses/Postal addresses |
Birth/place |
2020-01-07Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal |
Addresses/Postal address |
Addresses/Postal addresses |
Birth/place |
2020-01-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
2019-12-04Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Building |
Bât. Altiero SpinelliNew
Addresses/Brussels/Address/building_code |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Building |
Bât. Winston ChurchillNew
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/building_code |
2019-12-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/1 |
Mirjam TIEMS
2019-11-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/4 |
Lowie Zeno KOK
2019-10-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/7 |
2019-09-01Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
Myrthe Susanne Johanna Maria BOVENDEAARD
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/7 |
Julia Sophie VERHEUL
2019-08-27Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Building |
Bât. WiertzNew
Bât. Altiero Spinelli |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Office |
10G301 |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/building_code |
2019-08-07Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping) |
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
2019-07-18Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Delegations/3 |
Delegations/4 |
2019-07-12Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/14 |
Committees/14/end |
2019-07-09T00:00:00 |
Committees/15 |
Committees/17 |
2019-07-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/16 |
2019-07-04Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/14 |
Committees/15 |
2019-07-03Show (7) Changes | Timetravel
Groups/3/role |
Vice-Chair |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/4 |
assistants/local assistants (grouping) |
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
assistants/service providers |
2019-07-02Show (31) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/0 |
European Parliament
Addresses/Postal/0 |
Europees Parlement
Addresses/Postal/1 |
Addresses/Postal/1 |
Addresses/Postal/2 |
1047 Bruxelles
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Wiertz 06U027
Addresses/Postal/3 |
B-1047 Brussel
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Building |
Bât. Louise WeissNew
Bât. Winston Churchill |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Office |
M03060 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/building_code |
Birth/place |
Committees/11/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Committees/12/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Committees/13/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/1/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/2 |
Declaration of good conduct |
Delegations/1/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Delegations/2/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Financial Declarations/0 |
Financial Declarations/0 |
Financial Declarations/1 |
Groups/2/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Groups/3 |
Photo |
Old |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
Nusrut Nisa BAHADUR
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
Maria Catharina CRAMERS
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
Ruben Vincent ROBBESOM
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/3 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/4 |
assistants/trainees |
2019-05-26Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Building |
Bât. Altiero SpinelliNew
Bât. Wiertz |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Office |
06U027 |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/building_code |
2019-05-04Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Wiertz 06U027
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Altiero Spinelli 05F266
2019-04-17Show (11) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
+322 28 49365New
0032 2 28 49365 |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
+322 28 45365New
0032 2 28 45365 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
+333 88 1 79365New
0033 3 88 1 79365 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
+333 88 1 75365New
0033 3 88 1 75365 |
Name/aliases/1 |
Name/aliases/4 |
Name/aliases/5 |
bas eickhout
Name/aliases/6 |
Name/aliases/7 |
Name/aliases/8 |
eickhout bas
Name/aliases/9 |
2019-03-21Show (41) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
Committees/0 |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/3 |
Committees/3 |
Committees/4 |
Committees/4 |
Committees/5 |
Committees/5 |
Committees/6 |
Committees/6 |
Committees/7 |
Committees/7 |
Committees/8 |
Committees/8 |
Committees/9 |
Committees/9 |
Committees/10 |
Committees/10 |
Committees/11 |
Committees/11 |
Committees/12 |
Committees/12 |
Committees/13 |
Committees/13 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/1 |
Constituencies/1 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/2 |
Delegations/2 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/2 |
Groups/2 |
2019-03-18Show (63) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal address |
Committees/0/committee_id |
Committees/0/term |
Committees/1/committee_id |
Committees/1/term |
Committees/2/committee_id |
Committees/2/term |
Committees/3/abbr |
Committees/3/term |
Committees/4/committee_id |
Committees/4/term |
Committees/5/committee_id |
Committees/5/term |
Committees/6/committee_id |
Committees/6/term |
Committees/7/committee_id |
Committees/7/term |
Committees/8/committee_id |
Committees/8/term |
Committees/9/committee_id |
Committees/9/term |
Committees/10 |
Committees/10 |
Committees/10/committee_id |
Committees/10/term |
Committees/11 |
Committees/11 |
Committees/11/committee_id |
Committees/11/term |
Committees/12 |
Committees/12 |
Committees/12/committee_id |
Committees/12/term |
Committees/13 |
Committees/13 |
Committees/13/committee_id |
Committees/13/term |
Constituencies/0/term |
Constituencies/1/term |
Declarations of Participation |
Delegations/0/abbr |
Delegations/0/term |
Delegations/1/abbr |
Delegations/1/term |
Delegations/2/abbr |
Delegations/2/term |
Groups/0/country |
Groups/1/country |
Groups/2/country |
Name/familylc |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
Jeroen FRIJNSNew
Nusrut Nisa BAHADUR |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
Maria Catharina CRAMERS |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
Reinhard Cornelis DEN TOOM
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/3 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/4 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/5 |
Ilse Elisabeth Anne Maria PLOEGMAKERS
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/6 |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/7 |
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
Jeroen FRIJNS |
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/1 |
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
assistants/service providers/0 |
assistants/trainees |
2018-09-13Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
2018-08-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
2018-05-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
2018-05-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
2018-03-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
Yasmin MURADIN |
2017-11-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/1 |
2017-10-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
2017-09-29Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
2017-09-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/1 |
2017-08-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
2017-06-29Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/3/end |
2017-04-04T00:00:00 |
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
2017-03-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/1 |
Tessel GIELE
2017-02-20Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
2017-02-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
Reinhard DEN TOOM
2017-01-20Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/3 |
2017-01-11Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1/end |
2017-01-18T00:00:00 |
Committees/2/end |
2017-01-18T00:00:00 |
Committees/3/end |
2017-01-18T00:00:00 |
2016-11-22Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
DEN TOOM ReinhardNew
Reinhard DEN TOOM |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
FRIJNS JeroenNew
Jeroen FRIJNS |
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/2 |
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
Tessel GIELE
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/1 |
GIELE TesselNew
2016-09-16Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping)/0 |
GIELE Tessel |
2016-09-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
2016-04-19Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping) |
2016-04-16Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping) |
2016-03-23Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping) |
2016-03-18Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping) |
2016-03-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local assistants (grouping)/0 |
2016-03-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents (grouping) |
2016-02-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants |
2016-02-06Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1 |
assistants |
2015-10-28Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local |
2015-05-28Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Twitter/0 |
@BasEickhoutNew |
2015-03-28Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local |
2015-03-21Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Homepage/0 |
http://www.baseickhout.euNew |
Twitter/0 |
@BasEickhout |
2015-03-12Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Declarations of Participation |
2015-02-14Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels |
2015-01-21Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels |
2014-11-02Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
+322 28 49365
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
+322 28 45365
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
+333 88 1 79365
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
+333 88 1 75365
2014-10-22Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
+322 28 49365
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
+322 28 45365
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
+333 88 1 79365
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
+333 88 1 75365
2014-09-18Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Altiero Spinelli 07H149New
Altiero Spinelli 05F266 |
2014-09-07Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-06Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-02Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/date |
Financial Declarations/0/url |
2014-08-27Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants |
2014-07-29Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Constituencies/0/country |
Constituencies/0/party |
GroenLinks (Netherlands)New
GroenLinks |
Constituencies/1/country |
Constituencies/1/party |
GroenLinks (Netherlands)New
GroenLinks |
Financial Declarations |
2014-07-27Show (10) Changes | Timetravel
Constituencies/0/country |
Constituencies/0/party |
GroenLinks (Netherlands) |
Constituencies/1/country |
Constituencies/1/party |
GroenLinks (Netherlands) |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/1 |
Groups/0/Organization |
The Greens/European Free AllianceNew
Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance |
Groups/0/country |
Groups/1/country |
Groups/2/country |
2014-07-07Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/2 |
Groups/0 |
2014-07-01Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Constituencies/0 |
active |
True |
2014-05-14Show (7) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Committees/1/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Committees/2/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Delegations/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Groups/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
active |
2014-02-14Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
2014-02-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants |
2013-10-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
2013-06-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
2013-05-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
active |
True |
2013-05-02Show (20) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
Committees/0/end |
Committees/0/start |
Committees/1/end |
Committees/1/start |
Committees/2/end |
Committees/2/start |
Committees/3 |
Committees/4 |
Committees/5 |
Committees/6 |
Constituencies/0/end |
Delegations/0/abbr |
Delegations/0/end |
Delegations/0/start |
Groups/0/end |
Groups/0/start |
Groups/1 |
active |
2013-03-22Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Groups/0/role |
Treasurer |
2013-02-08Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Groups/0/role |
Vice-Chair |
2012-11-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
2012-09-27Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
2012-09-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/committee_id |
2012-04-02Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/Organization |
Environment, Public Health and Food SafetyNew
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety |
Committees/0/committee_id |
Committees/1/Organization |
Economic and Monetary AffairsNew
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs |
Committees/2/Organization |
Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentNew
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development |
Staff |
2012-03-09Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
2012-03-08Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
2012-02-10Show (14) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0 |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/2 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/0 |
Staff/0 |
Staff/0 |
2012-01-21Show (16) Changes
Addresses |
Birth |
Committees |
Constituencies |
Delegations |
Gender |
Groups |
Homepage |
Name |
Photo |
Staff |
UserID |
active |
assistants |